
4K Resolution High Definition Subtitles Norwegian Hindi Full Hd Game Of Thrones: The Story So Far File Hosting 98

Game of Thrones: The Story So Far



duration=65 m

8,7 of 10

cast=Sue Perkins

director=Stephanie West Yes, Ned Stark died before the first season ended. Yes Rob, his mother and his unborn child were all brutally murdered. Yes Dany had to murder her true love and give up her dream of conquering Westeros.
Tragedy happens in GOT much like it does in real life. And before you go a rate something 1 just because of the characters deaths angered you is foolish and here's why.
George R. R. Martin kills off characters to give the sense that no one is safe and that can happen to anyone at anytime, regardless of who they are where they're from etc. And through doing this subverts your expectations time and time again.
And you're being played by him, you're angry that your beloved characters have died and so give it the lowest rating on a site where the ratings are about as useful as it's game reviews. That's exactly what emotion he's going for, he wants to anger you and upset you in those moments, and by raging online about it and rating it 1, probably makes him happier more than anything else, as that's what he's going for, if a show can get you so incredibly angry you're obviously emotionally invested in the story.

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